Step 7: Email Templates

This is where you will pre-set the sequence of emails that you'll send to participants throughout the course of the study.

Email types

Depending on the components you have turned on in your Details page, you'll need to create different email templates to drive your users down the funnel.

  • Invite Email -- includes an invitation link that has a sign-up form, and either a screener or scheduler link + consent form, depending on how you set up your study
  • Scheduler Email -- includes a link to schedule an interview
  • Confirmation Email -- automated confirmation email which includes a calendar invite
  • Reminder Email -- automated reminder email configured to send out to your participant x hours/minutes before the interview begins
  • Incentive Email -- thank you email with a link to redeem Incentives

Email styles

Choose whether you want a Plain Text or Branded Email

  • Note: Branded Emails will automatically include an unsubscribe link

Personalization at scale

All emails in Rally offer the ability to include Personalization Tokens, a few examples below:

  • Participant: First Name
  • Study: External Name
  • Study: Study Start Date
  • Study: Study End Date
  • Study: Interview Length (minutes)
  • Study: Incentive Amount

You can also personalize using any Properties in your participant database, which we highly recommend to drive up response rates.

What’s Next

Where can you create, update, and see all email templates across your workspace? Click below to learn more: