Workspace and User Controls

Workspace: Top level of your Rally account that includes all your databases, populations, segments, and lists. Additionally, each workspace contains teams, users, permissions, and all your settings. A workspace can have multiple populations, segments, and lists.

Team: A group of users within a workspace. Teams can be used to control access to people data, studies, and assets. A user can be assigned to more than one team.

User: An individual who has access to a workspace. Users can be assigned to teams and have permissions to access different parts of the workspace. Users are also granted roles which determine their level of access to the workspace.

People Organization and Properties

Database: Root level of your workspace that includes all your person records. A workspace only has 1 database, and only Admins have access to the full database.

Population: Large groups of people withing a database. Access to populations can be granted to the entire workspace or can be configured to only be assigned to specific team(s).

Populations can enable an Exclusivity Restriction setting that allows it to prevent people in that population from being added to any other population, such as only allowing a specific team access to participants in a custom exclusive population. This setting can only be turned on when there are no people in the population.

Segment: Dynamic sub groups with a population that are determined by the saved filters on the segment. People are dynamically added or removed from a segment based on the filters.

List: Static sub groups with a population that are manually updated by adding participants from existing records, manually creating a new person, or via .csv upload. New participants who sign up for research through sign-up forms are added directly to a list.

People are able to be in multiple Populaations, Segments and Lists at the same time. The only expection is whether a person record is within an exclusive Population.

Person (or person record): An individual unique record, or row, in your database. The person record contains the properties that serve to define an individual in Rally. A person record can have associations (sometimes called memberships) to other data objects in Rally. For example, Bob has an association to Population A which means Bob is a member of that population. Select a person’s name to open their Participant Profile.

Properties: The fields that define a person record in Rally. Properties can be used to filter and segment people in Rally. Properties can be added to a person record manually or automatically through integrations.

Study Objects

Study: The root object used to organize research activities in Rally. A study can have be one of the following types: Interview, Survey, Unmoderated Test, or Group Interview.

Participant: A person who has been invited to participate in a study. Participants can be added to a study from a population, segment, or list. Each participant has a person record in the database. A person can be a participant in multiple studies but each “participant record” is unique to each study.

Participants include all the properties from the person record, plus any additional properties that are specific to the study. For example, a study may have a property for “Interview Start Date” that is not included in the person record.

Templates: A reusable set of components that can be used to create a study. Templates can include the Question Templates, Email Templates, Consent Forms, Documents, Brands, and Custom Incentives.