Step 5: Scheduling Calendar

Rally provides robust team scheduling capabilities. We integrate directly with your calendar to provide a seamless booking experience, but provide deep customization to that you can manage your calendar how you choose to.

Follow the below instructions to get your Calendar all set up with your new study!

Configuring your Calendar

  • Calendar app: Rally supports Google Calendar, Office 365 and Calendly for scheduling
  • Scheduling style: when using GCal or O365, you have 3 scheduling options:
    • One-on-one: 1 host, 1 participant, and multiple guests -- meetings are scheduled based on the 1 host's availability
    • Group: multiple hosts, 1 participant, and multiple guests -- meetings are scheduled based on the shared availability of all hosts
    • Round Robin: multiple hosts, 1 participant, multiple guests -- meetings are automatically distributed between hosts
  • Hosts & optional guests
    • Host's calendars will be taken into account in during scheduling
    • Guest's calendars will not be used to schedule, and they will be marked as optional attendees on the calendar invite
  • Location
    • Google Meet
    • Zoom - when scheduling via Zoom, you can select any host's Zoom account to book the meeting with
    • Custom Location - any URL, conferencing solution, or physical address can be included here

Event Details

  • This is where you'll put the copy for the calendar invites that will go our to your participants, hosts, and guests.


  • Availability Window -- these are the start & end dates for your study availability, participants will not be able to book slots outside of these dates
  • Duration -- this is the duration of your interviews
  • Your available hours -- this is where you can set rolling weekly availability blocks. Think of this as your "working hours."
  • Availability on specific dates -- this is where you can "override" your calendar's availability and mark specific slots on specific dates as "open" for booking, even if you are not technically available.
  • Meeting conflict handling -- this is a setting that lets you define how Rally looks at how you've responded to events already on your calendar (Yes, Maybe, No).

Additional Settings

  • Daily Interview Limit -- set the max amount of interviews you can have on your calendar in a given day
  • Meeting start time interval -- show available times in different time increments (i.e. 5 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins, 60 mins)
  • Minimum booking notice -- set the amount of hours in advance where scheduling will be blocked.
  • Minimum buffer time -- set a buffer time in between scheduled interviews
  • Exit language -- customize the copy participants will see when an interview has been successfully booked, or when there is no availability left for a study
    • Booking confirmation title -- shown after a successful booking
    • Fully booked title & message -- shown when a study is fully booked