Qualifying Participants

Rally enables you to qualify or disqualify participants based on their responses, ensuring you have the right participants for your research. Reviewing and updating screener statuses helps streamline your study and improves the research experience for both researchers and participants. Once participants complete the screener, you can review their responses and update their screener status accordingly. You also have the option to auto-qualify participants using conditional logic.

Manually Qualify Participants

  1. On the Study Overview page, locate and click 'Screener Responses' at the bottom of the left menu. This will take you to the section where you can manage participants' screener statuses.
  2. Look for participants with the screener status 'Screener Completed'. These are the participants whose responses are ready for review.
  3. To review a participant's responses, click on the 'View Responses' button next to their name. This will display their screener answers for evaluation.
  4. After reviewing the participant's responses, select the checkbox next to their name to indicate that you've reviewed their screener.
  5. Next, click on the 'Actions' menu, which will present you with a list of options. Choose 'Update Screener Status' from the menu.
  6. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to select whether to qualify or disqualify the participant based on their screener responses. Make your choice and click 'Save' to apply the status change.

Auto-Qualify Participants

  1. In the Screener Builder, select the checkbox to enable automatically sending qualified participants to the scheduler page. This requires setting up Conditional Logic on relevant screener questions.
  2. You can further customize participant auto-qualification in the proceeding drop-down:
    1. Complete screener without being disqualified: Participants who complete the screener without being disqualified through conditional logic will auto-qualify.
    2. Only if they have a qualifying answer to certain questions: Participants who have been qualified based on specific questions using conditional logic will auto-qualify.