Observer Room Settings

Observer Room Storage Settings

We have a setting that allows super admins to control how long recordings (and other observer room data) are stored in Rally and its subprocess before being deleted forever.

By default, Rally stores all observer room data for a maximum of 1 year. However, super admins can toggle automatic deletion for smaller durations. The screenshot below shows the different options available to super admins.

Observer Room Access Settings

Super admins can define how observers get access to view the observer room.

Anyone with the link (default)

With this setting, anyone with the link to the observer room can access it.

Note: Even though there isn’t a passcode for users to enter with this option, the observer room link contains a pwd query parameter that protects the room against unwanted access.

Anyone with the link and password

This setting adds a password prompt that requires observers to enter a password in order to access the room.

The password for the observer room can be found in the observer room share sheet in Rally, in the calendar invites, and in emails sent to the observer room guests.

You can change the password for the observer room at any time using the share sheet in Rally.

Note: If you change the observer room password, communications sent to observer room guests with the old password will not be updated.

Only Rally users

With this setting, only Rally users logged into your workspace can access the observer room. Observers not logged into your workspace will be redirected to the Rally login page. Once logged in, they will be brought back to the observer room page.

Recording Download Settings

We have two settings to control who can download past observer room recordings.

Study owners and admins

With this setting, only owners of a study and super admins can download past observer room recordings.

Admins only

With this setting, only super admins can download past observer room recordings.

To learn how to enable Observer Rooms for a Study, see Observer Rooms.