Filters, Segments, Columns, & Saved Views

Properties in Rally allow you to effectively organize and visualize your research participants, making the research process more efficient. This can be achieved through filtering, segmenting, columns, and saved views.


  • Each property in your database can be combined to narrow down and display specific participants.
  • Rally's filters use boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT, and AND NOT), enabling you to combine properties using conjunctions.


  • A segment is a saved filter. Once you have refined your participant selection using a filter, you can save the filter logic as a segment.
  • Segments can be used to filter and search for participants within a specific study.
  • Saved segments can be shared at the workspace level for team-wide access or kept for personal use.
  • You can find saved segments in the People database on the left panel.


  • Rally's table layout can be customized by rearranging and toggling columns on or off.
  • Columns allow you to view the most relevant participant information based on the selected saved view, segment, panel, or study participants.

Saved Views

  • A saved view determines how information is displayed in your table. For example, if you have applied a specific filter and arranged columns within a segment, you can save that view for personal use or share it with the entire workspace.
  • Even if you navigate away from the page, the table will default to your saved view.