Benefits of Using Unique Properties

Data Integrity: Unique properties ensure each participant's data is accurately tracked and managed throughout the research process. This helps maintain data integrity by avoiding duplicates or misattributions.

Privacy Protection: Using unique properties instead of personally identifiable information (PII) like email addresses helps protect participant privacy. It reduces the risk of sensitive information being exposed or misused.

Flexibility: Unique properties provide flexibility in participant identification. Unlike email addresses, which may change or be unavailable, unique properties can be assigned based on various criteria, such as usernames, numeric IDs, or custom identifiers.

Integrations: Unique properties facilitate seamless integration with other systems and databases. They allow researchers to import participant data from different sources, such as Salesforce, Snowflake or analytics tools like Amplitude, without relying solely on email addresses.

Consistency: With unique properties, researchers can maintain consistency in participant tracking across multiple studies or panels.

Scalability: Unique properties support scalability by enabling researchers to manage large participant datasets efficiently. They provide a structured approach to participant management, making it easier to scale research operations.

Visit the support doc on creating custom properties to read more.