Adding Participants into Rally

Currently, there are 4 main ways to add new Participant profiles into Rally:

Upload a Spreadsheet


During the upload process, you can only create Text, Number, Checkbox and Date Properties. Before uploading a list of Participants with any Single-Select or Multi-Select, make sure to add those in your Property Manager

  1. Go to the PeopleAdd PeopleUpload list of people
  2. Select your .csv file of users, and follow the below formatting instructions:
    • Required columns:
      • Email
    • Highly recommended columns:
      • First NameLast Name (so that you can customize email outreach with "Hi {First Name}")
    • Any additional columns will be added as custom properties for each person
    • Duplicates are found automatically based on the person's email address
      • If you add a person that already exists in Rally, any matching properties will be updated with the latest data from your new list
    • Dates must be uploaded as MM/DD/YYYY in order to properly upload - please don’t upload any times, as that will return an error
    • Remove any rows with duplicate emails, as they will not upload
  3. Map columns in your file to properties in Rally
    • Select or create Property Name and Property Type
    • TIP: You can find the Property Manager under Settings
  4. Press Import to upload
    • NOTE: If your .csv upload is failing, please check to see that you are not uploading multiple people with the same email address in your .csv file.


      If you are unsure what the .csv error is, please contact [email protected] and we will get back to you ASAP!

Invite Links (via panel or study)

You can generate a public Invite Link associated with any Panel or Study in Rally.

Invite links include a sign-up form and screener. Participants who sign-up via one of these forms will automatically be added to your participant database in Rally, and associated with either that Study or Panel.


Rally de-dupes Participants based on email address, so the data provided by an existing Participant that comes in via an Invite Link will be appended to their existing profile. If they do not already have a profile in Rally, it will be created.

Salesforce Integration

Once your Salesforce integration is set up, you can turn on the Sync preference:

  • When selected, all Salesforce records that don't exist in Rally will be created in Rally.
  • Rally uses the record's email to check if a contact exists.
  • You can use this feature to import All Contacts or just a specific List from Salesforce to Rally

Add 1 participant at a time

  • In the People tab, press Add People and Add person to fill out the details of an individual Participant to add to Rally